Tech for Refugees
One of the key things we think about is that, as technology advances, how do we ensure there’s a future for all children?
If there’s a group that’s very vulnerable to being left behind, it’s the refugee population.

Tech for Refugees
One of the key things we think about is that, as technology advances, how do we ensure there’s a future for all children?
If there’s a group that’s very vulnerable to being left behind, it’s the refugee population.
Becoming a refugee doesn’t just mean losing your home, it means being disconnected from every aspect of your life; your education, social networks, friends etc and the more access refugees have to tech, the more options they have to build a brighter future.
Refugees are being hosted by countries that can barely afford to support their own populations. We therefore see an increasing need to bring tech to this situation and how we can support organisations that are already helping.
How can we help these people rebuild their lives and accelerate their inclusion into their communities through the help of digital technologies?
KAINOafrica is about advancing a future for every school going child as our mission through tech and education.
In Partnership with different refugee NGOs, KAINOafrica ensures smooth learning and quality education by giving free access of academic content like school notes, teacher’s guides, learner’s workbooks, textbooks, assessment tests, games and all these are curriculum aligned to the government syllabus of the country in which we enroll and crafted by the best educationists. This content is properly shelved on the KAINOtabs which are freely given to teachers in the Refugee Children’s Education thematic groups, web and mobile apps without a need for internet data subscription.
We believe it’s not just about ensuring children are in class but making sure that once there, learning is happening.